Ethically Sourced

All the insects on this site are ethically sourced from responsible vendors from sanctuaries and farms all across the world after they have passed away naturally. One female butterfly can lay thousands of eggs, in the wild only a handful will survive into adulthood, and in santuaries and butterfly farms, virtually 100% survive into adulthood. Once the butterflies reach adulthood, many are released back into the the wild to help increase the indigenous populations. The rest are kept in the butterfly house for the rest of their lives, which is only about a week or so.

Many conservationists argue that collection threatens species, but it is more likely that small-scale collection poses no real threat. In fact, many would argue that amateur butterfly collecting contributes greatly to our current knowledge of tropical butterflies. When a ban is put in place on a species, it is the amateur that stops collecting, while the illegal hunting, and collecting continues.

The only proven method for driving a butterfly to extinction is habitat destruction. 

With your purchase you are contributing to the support of butterfly farms and sanctuaries in many third world countries and motivating their governments to maintain their natural flora and fauna.